The Body Confidence Masterplan

All the tools you need to feel confident with your body, happy in your mind and kick ass in life knowing your are awesome!

Does any of this sound familiar?

•You are sick of looking in the mirror and not liking what you see?

•You want to stop relying on filters to feel good in photos?

•You want to BELIEVE what makes you unique, special and fabulous?

•You want your kids to have a positive relationship with their own bodies

•You want to start living the awesome life you think lies at the end of losing weight

•You want to learn to embrace the differences with your body and own it

•You have bought the Body Confidence Masterplan book but want to explore your body image in more depth with a teacher

The Body Confidence Masterplan is a do-it-yourself online programme with No1 bestselling author and body image coach Amy Bates. 

The Masterplan is designed to give you tools to help you grow everyday in your body confidence, self awareness and know how to find your most fierce and fabulous self to show up to the world and kick ass. With an easy to access online course platform that can be used on your laptop, tablet or phone it couldn't be easier to go on this journey of self discovery and empowerment. 

A mixture of bitesize workshop style videos, downloads and reflective meditations means this course is suitable for different ways of learning and can fit into whatever time you have available.

Check out below some reviews from people who have worked with Amy before...
"Amy, after reading, watching and following your life changing advice I have been on my first holiday last week and wore a bikini with confidence. I am truly grateful for your advice that has changed my attitude. I have had people say to me that I look different. But physically I am the same. I just wear my curves and 50 year old body with confidence and pride. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for giving me the tools to be proud of all that I am. I am enough, I am beautiful, kind and stronger than I have ever been before.
Sarah Clarke - aged 50 

West Midlands

"I am an older lady and probably at my heaviest weight and going through the menopause - I know I am not taking care of myself the way I should be - listening to and reading what Amy suggests makes me realise I am so much more than a figure on the scale and I deserve to be healthy and happy without resorting to extreme diets.

I know this journal will help me have a truthful conversation with myself about why I sabotage myself on occasions and what I can do to make positive changes"
Anonymous review


"If you have ever struggled with eating issues, with not trusting your body and being unable to listen to it - this is the book for you.

Step by step chapters to help you work on reconnecting with your body and the wisdom it holds.

It’s a beautifully crafted workbook and really works when you make the conscious effort.
I can feel my body confidence returning and I’m Loving this book so much!"
Donna Franklin


Here is what is included in the course...

•Reflecting and understanding where you body image issues have arisen from. We will work through a guided meditation to help you delve into the history of your relationship with your body and how that is now presenting itself.

•You will learn to master your mind chatter and your chimp with everything you need to know about recognising it, making it less noisy, how to stop sabotaging and being compassionate with yourself.  

•You will get to find your sources of awesomeness and learn how to celebrate yourself and promote yourself in the world you are in.  

•You will learn how to identify the things in your world that improve your body confidence and how to include more of these in your everyday. And, you will learn how to recognise the things that contribute to ongoing body confidence issues and how to remove them. How to recognise where boundaries need setting and set them.  

•You will learn how to use journaling, crystals and essential oils to supercharge your body confidence journey.  

•Plus a styling session, skincare workshop and makeup bag shakeup to raise the bar on your confidence when it comes to how you show up to the world. Learn about styles and colours and showing your personality and creativity.

•Before you finish you will have a clear vision of who you are, where you want to be and how to show up as that person.  



Rapid Transformation Therapist Samantha Pearce-Issacs has created this bespoke 15 minute audio to help you increase the internal feelings of self love very quickly. Listen to the audio every day for a month and the results will be life changing.


The Beauty Rebellion Body Positive quote bundle will give you the chance to fill your home and/or workspace with affirmations and reminders of the headspace and world you are creating for yourself. 


There is lots you can do to help your kids grow up with a positive body image. In this workshop you will learn how to do this with easy to implement tools and conversations.


You need this information in your life! There is another answer other than diets and in this workshop Amy will take you through everything you need to know to get started

Investing in yourself is never a risk but you may have some questions...

The course is easy to do at home on the online learning platform. It can be viewed on your phone, laptop or tablet. 

No, you will have lifetime access to the course. Modules will be released to you on a weekly basis but there is no need to complete them in order to unlock the next module. You can do small amounts in chunks of time you have or you can dedicate an hour or two each week to work through the module as it gets released. 

Your details will be completely private and nobody will know you are completing the course unless you tell them. The Beauty Rebellion do not release any details or share celebrations on social media without permission. 

You will learn throughout the course that it is most likely that you will still have days where you feel bad about your body. What the course will do is help you to reduce the amount and regularity of those days and when they do arrive, you will have the tools to pull yourself back to feeling good again much quicker. 

Most of the content is suitable for teenagers but it is spoken and delivered for an adult audience and does contain some things that may not be relevant to teens. There will be a teen version available in early 2023. In the meantime, the skills you learn will help you to help any teenagers you live with to improve the world they live in and make it more body positive.

At the checkout you will have option to pay with Klarna and Clearpay if you would like to spread the cost of the course over 3 payments. 

YOU GET SO MUCH WHEN YOU buy the body confidence masterplan!

Honestly, this programme is jam packed full of everything you need to learn to feel more body confident, to understand you are more than just your body and to feel empowered to turn up as your awesome fierce and fabulous self! Red lip confidence is pure power!

rtt self love audio


body confident kids workshop 







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